Friday, November 25, 2011

Democrats, Republicans, and the O.K. Corral

OK Corral picture
     A famous cowboy outlaw, who went by the nick name "Curly Bill" who's real name is William C., and known to had organized other cowboys into a gang in Arizona in the 1880's.  This gang was involved in rustling and smuggling operations along the Mexican border, outside Tombstone Arizona.   Curly Bill also ran with 'old man' Canton and his sons, Ike, Phin, and Billy, who were involved in the famous O.K. Corral shootout in Tombstone.  Most cowboys were southerners and Democrats, and use to having their own way in Tombstone, until the Republicans showed up.
      When the Earp brothers arrived in Tombstone you knew there was going to be trouble.  These men were associated with a gambler by the name of Doc Holliday, and like Holliday made their living at gambling.  The Earp's were northerners and Republicans.   It's hard to separate the good guys from the bad guys in this happenstance in history, as you had thieves on one side, and hustlers on the other.  Regardless, before you knew it there was the shootout at the O.K. Corral, which set off a war that did not end until numerous Democrats and Republicans were killed.
     In summarizing these events, and placing them in today's political arena, I would like to see everyone in the Super Committee, Republicans and Democrats, have their own O.K. Corral shootout, just like in the old west days, and who ever is left standing, gets to pass their agenda onto the American people.  With any luck at all maybe something will finally get done in Washington.
Source:  Rogers G. (1997).  Title: Brocius, "Curly Bill" [William C.] [Alias Bill Graham] ?-? 1882. Yale University Press.  History: The New Encyclopedia of the American West.  UAA Library.

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