Friday, November 18, 2011

Due to the Obesity Epedimic Video Game Companies Change Strategy

     In Steven Johnson's essay he addresses the good points of playing video games, and of course, the bad points.  He also compares reading books to game playing and the effects of each on children.  I believe one of the bad points that should have been addressed is the health effects on children and adults who spend to much time playing video games.  There has been much research, and discussion on the mental, social, and health problems associated with too much time spent in front of a TV playing video games.  Due to the bad publicity, video game companies have now introduced games that are connected to exercising (  The new games actually cause you to get off the couch to interface with the program, like dancing, sports, and other activities. Implementing this new corporate tactic has taken some heat off the companies and, of course, heat off the butts of the players who in the past would sit for hours playing games.

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